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Cardiff Golf Club 100
The Club
Founders of the Club
Inaugural Dinner
The Gold Bowl
Ladies Section History
Ladies Trophies
The Veterans Society
The Jones Family
1936 Rule Book
1938 Year Book
1963 Official Handbook
1971 Golden Jubilee
1970's Score Card
1982 Course Planner
Honours Boards
Press Articles
1921 Founding of Club
1926 South Wales News
1927 Western Mail - Gold Bowl
1936 Western Mail - Dick de Lloyd
1938 The Bystander
1955 Western Mail
1956 Western Mail
1966 South Wales Spectator
1988 South Wales Echo
1989 S.W. Echo-Welsh Team Championship
1999 Western Mail New Clubhouse
Course Displays
The Course
The Course in the 1960's
The Ladies
Juniors' Days
Gallery 1921-1949
1939 Henry Cotton v Dai Rees
1947 Cotton, Rees, Von Nida, Shankland
Gallery 1950-1969
Gallery 1970-1979
Gallery 1980-1989
New Clubhouse 1998-1999
Gallery 1990-2009
Golf Club in WW2
The Captain's Chair 1942
Spitfire Crash 1942
Clement Edward Steer 1942
The Club 1921 to 1939
The Club 1939 to 1948
Hew Squirrel
Memoir Andrew B. Morgan
Extracts of Meeting Minutes
Use tab to navigate through the menu items.
Correspondence and Articles from the Western Mail, May 1921
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